May 5th 2025 - 1st Monday - Goal Setting 12pm Central (1 hour)
May 9th 2025- 2nd Friday Large Group Mastermind (1 hour) 10am Central
May 28th 2025 - 4th Wednesday - Business Connect (90 minutes) 11am-12:30pm Central
1st Monday - Goal Setting 12pm Central (1 hour)
1st Tuesday - Social Media Co-Working 11am Central (1-hour)
1st Friday - Diamonds who Podcast Mastermind (1-hour) 11am Central
2nd Friday Large Group Mastermind (1 hour) 10am Central
3rd Tuesday - Tech Q&A 12pm Central (1 hour)
4th Wednesday - Business Connect (90 minutes) 11am-12:30pm Central
4th Thursday - CFO Co-Working (60-minutes) 10am Central
Shannon's Quarterly Masterclass
- Tricia Sinon Murray
If someone were to join Diamond today, without being a member already, their investment would be $710. If you are currently a member of Polka Dot Powerhouse, your investment will be pro-rated based on how many days you have left in your membership. Your renewal is included and your renewal date will be 1 year from the date you join Diamond. The only way to discover your pro-rated investment is to log in to the Polka Dot Powerhouse website and click the button to get more information.
Our Small Group Masterminds will be opening for new sign ups every 3 months . Most Groups are together for 6 months, but each quarter, you can switch/leave/join a group with openings. These meetings are based on the Facilitator date/time.
Our Diamond members are encouraged to host a Masterclass. All you gotta do is a pick a date and create your event! We'll even put the recording in our Members portal!